llama.cpp : inference of Facebook's LLaMA model in pure C/C++

whisper.cpp : high-performance inference of OpenAI's Whisper ASR model on the CPU using C/C++

GPT-J : C/C++ inference on the CPU

slack (tui) : text-based mock UI for a Slack client | (source) | (video0) | (video1)

keytap3 : check if your keyboard can be eavesdropped through a microphone | (source) | (gui) | (video0) | (video1)

hnguessr : guess the Hacker News titles | (source)

the-story : collaborative storytelling experiment | (source)

wordle-bg : Wordle clone in Bulgarian | (source)

@tweet2btc : collaborative Bitcoin price prediction via Twitter polls | (source)

@tweet2doom : a Twitter bot that plays Doom | (source) | (data) | (explorer)

morse-meme : morse code meme generator | (source)

ggmorse : real-time morse code audio decoding | (source) | (ios) | (android)

r2t2 : transmit data through the PC speaker | (decoder)

spectrogram : real-time audio spectrum visualizer | (source)

waver : messaging through sound | (source) | (ios) | (android)

keytap2 : acoustic keyboard eavesdropping based on language n-gram frequencies | (source) | (discussion)

wtf-tui : text-based UI for WTF | (source)

hnterm : browsing Hacker News in the terminal | (source)

imtui : immediate mode text-based user interface library for C++ | (source)

dot-to-ascii : Graphviz to ASCII converter | (source)

lottery-check : search past lottery numbers in the Bulgarian 6/49 lotto | (source)

diff-challenge : is this even possible?

imgui-ws : Dear ImGui over WebSockets | (source)

typing-battles : a multiplayer typing game (server: C++/WebSockets, client: JS) | (source)

keytap-challenge : can you guess the text being typed?

keytap : acoustic keyboard eavesdropping with prior training

wave-gui : yet another data-over-sound tool | (source)

wave-share : data over sound in the browser | (source) | (blog post)

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